Factor updates and recalculation

This functionality automatically incorporates updates to carbon accounting methodologies and emission factor databases into our calculation logic.

Table of contents






As a carbon accounting SaaS platform, Workiva Carbon monitors and incorporates updates to emission inventory calculation methodologies, such as those provided by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and emission factor databases. These updates reflect changes in IPCC global warming potentials, regional grid greening, and general emissions impact updates across physical and economic activities across all GHGP categories and corresponding scopes covered by our tool These updates are pushed out to customer accounts quarterly to maintain best-in-class carbon accounting practices.  

Because emissions disclosure has traditionally been a retrospective exercise, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol does not prescribe how to incorporate emission factor updates into active inventories that utilize technology platforms capable of real-time calculations and reporting. Following the GHGPs guidance to use the most recent emission factors available at time of reporting while maintaining consistency, Workiva Carbon has implemented a quarterly update cadence to incorporate any factors that may have published across our datasets, as well as any changes in guidance through the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This means we will recalculate emissions outputs based off the most recent factor for the relevant period, and customers may see changes to their inventory.  Customers are notified of upcoming factor updates and recalculations via email, and through a banner in the app prior to the automated update. Users can elect to opt-out” of the update through our customer success team.



What magnitude of impact can I expect updates to emission factor databases to have on my inventory 

Because magnitude of change varies across business activity categories and regions, the impact to any single company’s GHG inventory will be unique. For example, electricity grids around the globe are “greening” through the incorporation of additional renewable sources at varying rates, and the emissions factor for a specific grid region may change more significantly than that of another. Customers may reach out to their respective customer success representative with a specific list of GHGP categories and locations for more granular insight into the magnitude of factor updates on their inventory 

How often are emission factor databases published?  

Each emissions factor database publishes in its own cadence. While some sources maintain regular updates, others are more sporadic and publish updates only as new data becomes available. Below is a selection of some of our largest emission factor sources and their publishing patterns. Note: Workiva Carbon uses emission factors from over 70 sources. For questions about individual calculations or sources, consult the Audit feature of the platform or reach out to your customer success representative.  


Update Schedule 

US EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub 

Annual, unpredictable publish date  


Annual, late January-early February 

UK DBEIS Government conversion factors for reporting of greenhouse gas emissions 

Annual, late June-early July 

International Energy Agency Electricity Emission Factors 

Annually, September 

Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 

Annually, unpredictable publish date 

Canadian National Inventory Report 

Annually, between March and May 

Ireland Commision for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure  

Annually, between September and December 


What kind of time lag exists between my current year’s activity data and the published emission factor databases? 

There are different lags to expect between your entered data and published emission factors  

First, the lag between the data collection that produces an emission factor and the publication of the factor. To address this, Workiva Carbon documents the “Data Year” and “Release Year” of an emission factor. The Data Year describes the year that the data was collected for the resulting emission factor. The Release Year describes the year the emission factor was released by its publishing organization. For most publishing organizations, this lag is 1-2 years (ex. IEA releases electricity emission factors describing 2021 electricity grid activity in September of 2023). In some cases, organizations release an annual dataset wherein some individual factors’ data years have not changed (ex: republishing a refrigerant GWP from 2008). For emissions sources whose GHG impact has not materially changed, these older data points are still appropriate and their lag should not cause concern. In emissions reporting, this lag is known and accepted. It is typical an emissions inventory uses an emissions factor whose data year is not the exact same as the reporting year.  

Second, there is the lag between the publication’s release and the factor being applied to inventories within Workiva Carbon. Newly published sources are reviewed quarterly, so newly published emission factors are not immediately available. Once new emission factors are entered into our dataset, recalculation will retroactively apply to user entries that previously used a now outdated emission factor. 


Why might I want to utilize an older factor and op-out of the automated update?  

Newly published emission factors reflect more up to date data, so they are typically considered more accurate. If an emission factor update becomes available to customers before their inventory has been finalized for a given reporting year, we recommend using the newly available emission factors.  Some reporters may choose to opt-out of factor updates and recalculations to maintain consistency in reports over the course of a year. From an audit standpoint, best practice is to maintain a corporate policy dictating emissions calculation approach and factor philosophy, and to act consistently with this policy.   Though newer emission factors are preferable to older, only a significant delta will cause a material change triggering a restatement of an inventory that has already been publicly released.

How does this impact a manual override I have already entered into the platform? 

Manual overrides are given preference over available emission factors. If you have already manually overridden entries or created custom emission factors in Workiva Carbon, then recalculation will not alter these values.

Will I have the ability to trigger or prevent a recalculation?  

Reach out to Customer Success to prevent recalculation from impacting your existing entries.  

How often will Workiva Carbon recalculate emissions? 

Workiva Carbon will update emission factors and recalculate emissions quarterly. This process consists of reviewing data sources for recent publications, bringing newly published emission factors into our emission factor dataset, and recalculating entries to adopt the most recent emission factors where appropriate. Users can expect notification prior to quarterly recalculation.  

Will Workiva Carbon use different emission factors for different years? 

Yes. Large emission factor publishers , such as(ex: US EPA, UK DBEIS (formerly published by DEFRA), and Canadian NIR) typically publish on an annual basis. Because they do not all publish at the same point in the year, Workiva Carbon checks for updated publications quarterly. Users should expect to see different emission factors in each of their yearly inventories.  

Will Workiva Carbon recalculate previous years’ data with new historic factors? 

While most factor updates will impact current year inventories with the most recent factors available, Workiva Carbon also incorporates historic factors during these quarterly updates and recalculations. The impact this has on historic inventories depends on the existing alignment between the year of the activity data against the year the factor representsFor example, a company may be calculating their 2022 inventory in the year 2024. Based on the databases available, they may be using a 2018 factor. Should that database publish a factor update in 2024, with a new factor representing 2022, Workiva Carbon will automatically incorporate the updated factor, which most closely aligns the business activity and emission factor years. This approach applies to all categories across scopes 1, 2, and 3 with the exception of scope 3 category 1 (PG&S) and categories 4 and 9 (Upstream and Downstream &D). Customers should reach out to their customer success representative with specific requests to recalculate historic for these scope 3 emissions. 

Can I select the emissions factor our organization wants to use? 

At this time, users may elect to “opt out” of automatic factor updates and recalculations, via a request to their customer success manager. We do not currently allow users to choose across databases or factor years in the product, however users may create “custom” factors for any data entry.   

What date does the Q2 factor update represent? 

The Q2 factor updates and recalculation reflects the most current factors across all databases as of June 4, 2024. Sources published following June 4, 2024 will be included in our Q3 update.  




We review all our sources quarterly to see if a more recent version of the publication has been issued. Once updated sources are identified, we isolate every emission factor that has an available update and extract the values to update our back-end calculation logic. This includes the following:  

  • Release Year and Data Year* 

  • Document the original unit and GWP 

  • Citation Details- Customers and auditors need to quickly find each emission factor within the source document. To enable this search, Workiva Carbon records page number, table number, necessary row or column language, and unit of measurement of each emission factor within the publication.  

  • Manipulation or development-  

    • Unit conversions- Workiva Carbon employs a standardized unit of measure within each category of activity to standardize across the various units of measure employed across databases. For example, natural gas consumption and corresponding EFs can be reported in kilowatt-hours, cubic meters, and gigajoules. In order to employ standard calculation, Workiva Carbon converts all natural gas values to British Thermal Units (BTU). Unit conversion formulas are documented for each emission factor.  

    • Global Warming Potential (GWP) Values-  

      • What are Global Warming Potentials? Greenhouse gases (GHGs) do not behave identically in the atmosphere; they differ in their ability to absorb heat and how long they remain in the atmosphere. Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) harmonize comparisons of GHG warming impacts with a common unit.  

      • How are GWPs determined? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) publishes comprehensive Assessment Reports (AR) every 5-7 years. Each Assessment Report reflects current scientific understanding of the physical science basis of climate change. New GWP values reflect updated observations of heat absorption, lifetime, or atmospheric concentrations that impact how the gases relate to each other.  

        Greenhouse Gas 

        AR4 (2007) 

        AR5 (2014) 

        AR6 (2021) 





        CH4 (fossil origin) 




        CH4 (non-fossil origin) 









      • What GWPs are used in Workiva Carbon? Workiva Carbon calculates CO2e using AR6 GWPs as much as possible. In some cases, sources publish CO2e values without a breakdown of each constituent gas. Without a gas breakdown, Workiva Carbon does not have enough information. If a source publishes only CO2e values then Workiva Carbon documents whether the source calculated CO2e according to AR4, AR5, or AR6.

    • In addition to original values from published sources, Workiva Carbon proprietarily develops emission factors for activities where current, reputable values are unavailable. For these factors, we also include comments in our verifier view feature detailing why the development was pursued (ex: absent information, reasonable proxy, etc.). 

*Data Year versus Release Year 

When emission factors are published, they are typically reflective of a prior year’s data. To account for this, Workiva Carbon records both the year of publication (Release Year) and the year the source data reflects (Data Year). As an example, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s eGRID data is released annually with a 2-year lag between the release year and data year. EGRID 2021 data describes the electric grid in 2021, but the data was made publicly available in January of 2023. Because of these lags between data years and release years and inconsistent publishing schedules among sources, Workiva Carbon checks for newly available sources quarterly.  

There is often a misalignment between reporting timelines and emission factor publication timelines- customers typically aim to complete their GHG inventory within a few months of year-end which is months or even years before the emission factors of that data year will be available. It is widely acceptable to use the most recently available emission factors though they will not represent the exact year of activity being reported. Our methodology is to apply the emission factor whose data year is closest or equal to the activity date entered by the user.  

Updated sources 

For all sources active in Workiva Carbon, see Appendix.   

Q2 Database Update 

Emissions activities covered by source 

ADEME Base Empreinte 



Passenger Transport 

Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 2018 



Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 2019 



Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 2020 



Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 2023 




Canada. 2024 National Inventory Document (NID) Part 2 



Canada. 2024 National Inventory Document (NID) Part 3 


Ember Yearly Electricity Data (download Data- Yearly Full Release Long Format) 


Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure 2019 


Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure 2020 


Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions 2021 


Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions 2022 


Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework 3.0 

Freight Handling 

Freight Transport 

Release of Vietnam's power grid emission coefficient for 2022 


Vietnam Grid Emission Coefficient 2022 


US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2021 

Freight Transport 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2022 

Freight Transport 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2023 

Freight Transport 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2024 


Freight Transport 

Fugitive emissions 


Mobile Combustion 


  • Quarterly updates are completed by a distinct cutoff date each quarter. Any data source that is published after that date will be included in the following quarters' update.  

  • The Q2 emission factor update captures sources that were published by June 4, 2024. Sources updated after June 4th will be included in the Q3 update.  (Example: DEFRA expected to be published late June or early July) 



Source Title 

Source URL 

2021 Green-e® Residual Mix Emission Rates 

2022 Green-e® Residual Mix Emission Rates 

2023 Green-e® Residual Mix Emissions Rates 

3M Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid 

ADEME Base Empreinte 

Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2018 

Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2019 

Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2020 

Australia National Greenhouse Gas Accounts Factors 2021 

Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2022 

Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2023 

California Air Resources Board High-GWP Refrigerants 

Canada. 2021 National Inventory Report (NIR) Part 2 

Canada. 2021 National Inventory Report (NIR) Part 3 

Canada. 2022 National Inventory Report (NIR) Part 2 

Canada. 2022 National Inventory Report (NIR) Part 3 

Canada. 2023 National Inventory Report (NIR) Part 3 

Canada. 2024 National Inventory Document (NID) Part 2 

Canada. 2024 National Inventory Document (NID) Part 3 

CO2 Baseline Database for the Indian Power Sector 

DEFRA Conversion factors 2021: flat file - revised January 2022 

DBEIS Conversion factors 2022: flat file (for automatic processing only) 

DBEIS Conversion factors 2023: flat file- updated 28 June 2023 

Edison Electric Institute CO2 Emissions Database 

eGRID2019 Summary Tables (pdf) 

eGRID2021 Summary Tables (pdf) 

eGRID2022 Summary Tables (pdf) 

Electricity Grid Emission Factor and Upstream Fugitive Methane Emission Factor 

EMA Electricity Grid Emission Factor and Upstream Fugitive Methane Emission Factor 

Ember Yearly Electricity Data (download Data- Yearly Full Release Long Format) 

Emission Factors from Cross-Sector Tools (Download Worksheet) 

EnergyStar® PortfolioManager® Technical Reference - Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Entwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2020 

Entwicklung der spezifischen Treibhausgas-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2021 

Entwicklung der spezifischen Treibhausgas-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2022 

Environmental properties of Novec 1230 Fluid 

European Residual Mixes 2022 Association of Issuing Bodies 

Fuel Economy in Major Car Markets: Technology and Policy Drivers 2005-2017 

Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure 2019 

Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure 2020 

Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions 2021 

Commission for Regulation of Utilities Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions 2022 

GHG Emission Calculation Tool (Download GHG Emissions Calculation Tool.xlsx) 

GHG Protocol - Global Warming Potential Values 

Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework 2.0 

Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework 3.0 

Greenhouse gas benefits from direct chemical recycling of mixed plastic waste 

Greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation  

Greenhouse gases from the waste sector and opportunities for reduction 

Honeywell Refrigerants | Genetron 409A (R-409A) 

IEA Emissions Factors 2023 

India Specific Rail Transport Emission Factors for Passenger Travel and Material Transport 

IPCC WGI contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report - 7.SM.6 Table of greenhouse gas lifetimes, radiative efficiencies and metrics 

Kohlendioxid-Emissionsfaktoren für die deutsche Berichterstattung atmosphärischer Emissionen 1990-2020 

Life cycle environmental impacts and costs of beer production and consumption in the UK 

Methodology for GHG Efficiency of Transport Modes 

Release of Vietnam's power grid emission coefficient for 2022 

Supply Chain GHG Emission Factors for US Commodities and Industries v1.1 

Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors v1.2 by NAICS-6 

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland - Conversion Factors 

The Climate Registry Transit Agency Performance Metric Report v. 1.1 

The Earth's Energy Budget, Climate Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity Supplementary Material 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2021 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2022 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2023 

US EPA Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2024 

Vietnam Grid Emission Coefficient 2022 

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